Children & Youth
SUNDAYS (3 – 14 years old)
Sunday Club (for children aged 3-11) meets during our Sunday Morning service. We want your little ones to feel safe and welcomed by our group leaders, and have fun learning how to be friends with Jesus in age appropriate ways, including drama, puzzles, crafts, stories and games.
Youth Nano (11-14 year olds) also meet during our Sunday Morning service. We read the Bible together and learn more about what it has to say on the good news of Jesus and what that means for us in our lives, through activities, games and discussions.
Older Youth (aged 14-18 years) join with the main service.
FRIDAYS (11 – 18 years old)
If you are 11-18 years old, it would be great to have you along to one of our Friday groups… and in case you’re wondering, you definitely don’t need to call yourself a Christian to come!
The groups are 7-8.30pm every week. Youth Nano (monthly) for 11-14 year olds and Older Youth (most Fridays) for 14-18 year olds .
We have games and snacks, hang out & dive into God’s message to us together. We also have one off activities or trips like doughnuts in the dark, water sports, or meeting up in London with hundreds of other young people
You are welcome to pop in to try us out – we often welcome new faces.
If you have any questions about any of our activities for children or youth, or would like to know more details, please e-mail Ruth or call the church office on 020 3732 2349.
Safeguarding our Children/Youth/Senior Citizens
All of our group leaders are DBS checked and we place the highest priority on child and vulnerable person protection & safety.
St Luke’s Church has adopted the “A Safe Church” safeguarding policy recommended as best practice by Southwark Diocese. Click here to link to this policy in full. If anyone has any safeguarding concerns they should contact St Luke’s safeguarding officer, Helen Wiffen by emailing Alternatively, the diocesan safeguarding officer on duty can be contacted on 020 3874 6743.